CRCA and Human Rights House request from the Government to fulfil its obligation towards achievement of the human rights standards

The Children’s Human Rights Centre (CRCA) and the Human Rights House in Albania (HRH) are very concerned about the ongoing denunciation of human rights violations in the premises of the National Police Authority across Albania. The latest case, that of the unexplained death of a young man’s few days back inside the Police Station of Korça raises grave concerns on the respect of human rights by police force in the country.
Every day, the citizens and the media share their cases and evidence of mistreatment, harsh behaviour and discrimination of persons detained by Police officers.
The latest public report of the Ombudsman Office denounces 163 cases of detainees who are reportedly abused by the Albanian police. The report cites police physical violence, inhumane treatment and discrimination, as well illegal arrests. During the same period, 8 cases of prosecution against State Police officers took place.
Although a considerable part of the police officers has been trained on the national and international human rights norms, protection from discrimination etc, the reality is that little has changed in their attitudes towards the respect of citizens.
Based on this harsh reality, today we ask today publicly the Albanian Government and the National Police Authority to establish the Office for Human Rights and the Protection against Discrimination in every Police Directorate in 12 regions of Albania.
The purpose of such office will be to address any citizen complaints against police forces for violations of human rights and discrimination, violation of the rights of police officers in the workplace by colleagues and superiors and, finally, continuous information and training of the entire police organization. Such Office will also aim to draft guidelines, circulars and assist with information every police officer. This in turn could make Police Authority an institution that protects and promotes human rights for every citizens in Albania.
Albania, in order to opening of process of the negotiations with the European Union requires the fulfilment of priority number 5, which is the respect for human rights and the elimination of discrimination. In this regard, we invite the Albanian Government and the National Police Authority to show that they are serious about integrating the country into the European Union and above all, achieving international human rights standards within the police force.
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Detajet e Lajmit
May 27, 2018