Last week, on October 15, the Second Intergovernmental Conference between the European Union and Albania was held, marking the opening of accession negotiations on the fundamentals cluster. This event was welcomed by local actors, who expressed their readiness to support in meeting commitments.
Within the framework of the negotiations, Albania and the EU presented their negotiating positions for the first cluster, which define specific criteria and concrete measures in the areas of the rule of law, the fight against corruption, the functioning of the judiciary, and market economy.
However, unlike the EU’s negotiating position published on October 15, the Albanian government continues to consider its negotiating position as “confidential”. In this context, civil society organizations in Albania express concern and regret over the lack of transparency and consultation of government institutions with local actors.
Civil society, academia, the media, and the business community all need to play a key role in shaping and implementing the necessary reforms for EU membership. Publishing Albania’s negotiating position is essential for facilitating the participation of local actors and ensuring independent oversight of the government’s efforts to fulfill obligations and meet membership criteria.
The expedited and confidential procedure in which Albania’s negotiating position was reviewed by the Assembly raises further concerns that undermine public trust and the credibility of the negotiation process with the EU.
We, the civil society organizations, call on the government to seize this moment as an opportunity for reflection and change. It is essential that the phases of European integration are seen as a collective effort involving all local actors in a meaningful and transparent dialogue.
Only through open and inclusive collaboration with local actors can Albania achieve the transformative changes necessary for membership in the European Union.
– Instituti për Demokraci dhe Ndërmjetësim (IDM)
– Qendra ALERT
– Qendra Shkencë dhe Inovacion për Zhvillim (SCiDEV)
– Instituti i Kërkimeve Urbane (URI)
– Qendra për Mbrojtjen e të Drejtave të Femijëve në Shqipëri (CRCA)
– Linja Kombëtare e Telefonit për Fëmijë në Shqipëri
-Akademia e Integrimit Europian dhe Negociatave (AIEN)
– Qendra ALTRI – Albanian Legal and Territorial Research Institute
– Shoqata “Together for Life”
– Faktoje
– Qendra per Ruajtjen dhe Mbrojtjen e Mjedisit Natyror në Shqipëri (PPNEA)
– Save the Children in Albania
– Shoqata për Kulturë Demokratike
– Qendra Impakt Inkubator
– Rrjeti i Fuqizimit të Gruas në Shqipëri (AWEN)
– EU Policy Hub
– Shoqata “Useful to Albanian Woman”
– Qendra për të Drejtat në Punë – CRL
– Qendra për Drejtësi Gjinore
– Fondacioni “Harriet Martineau”
– Fondacioni Shqiptar per Zhvillimin e Kapaciteteve Lokale (ALCDF)
– Albanian Woman in Audiovisual- AWA