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The civil society initiative “Towards a National Registry for the Protection of Children from Sexual Crimes in Albania” is an effort of CRCA Albania, ALO 116 in consultation and cooperation with the main institutions that protect children’s rights and the support of the Canadian Government, so that it is given special importance and helps to overcome the phenomenon of sexual crimes against children in Albania.

What is the Child Sex Crime Registry?

The registry is a tool in the hands of the Albanian state and society to protect children from pedophiles or any person who can sexually exploit the child. It is a preventive measure that the state and society build together, to maximally limit the access that pedophiles and sexual predators want and seek to have to children. Sexual violence against children is a global and local phenomenon, so as such it requires solutions that not only punish those who commit criminal acts, but above all the creation of mechanisms that prevent the commission of new crimes or the repetition of sexual violence against the same children .


It functions as a database of persons who are residents of Albania and who have been convicted by a final decision by local courts or even in other countries, for sexual offenses against children; It includes persons who have been convicted of final decision on Criminal Offenses of sexual crimes with children; Creates a database for persons who have committed Criminal Offenses of sexual crimes with children. This database is in the form of an electronic register.

The main goal

Prevention of sexual crimes against children up to the age of 18; Identification by the relevant authorities of individuals who are dangerous to children; Control of the mobility of pedophiles and notification according to the case and detailed legal determinations of individuals who have a direct interest in this matter.

Responsible authority:

The register will be managed and maintained by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the General Directorate of Police, and will keep continuous data declared by the convict himself regarding his/her residence and location, the person’s movements, trips etc.

Who applies to the Registry:

The register will be accessible only by public and private institutions that work with/for children and that have a legal duty to protect children. In this aspect, any institution such as a school, or NGO or prison institution, etc., will address the registry with a request if a person appears to be registered. The personal data of all persons registered in the register are protected by the law on the protection of personal data. Do you want to report a case of sexual violence?