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Based on our long-term cooperation between the Slovenian Embassy in Albania and CRCA/ECPAT Albania in implementing “Our Rights” project, during 2022-2023 the project aims at increasing the capacities of teachers, support educators, psychologists, and social workers, on the rights of the child, based on the UN CRC, and the Albanian national legislation.  

CRCA/ECPAT Albania, with the support of the Slovenian Embassy in Tirana, has had the opportunity to implement “Our Rights” project during school years 2020/2021, and 2021/2022, by establishing a team of trainers on the Rights of the Child.

So far, more than 100 teachers nationwide have been trained, while more than 3000 children and adolescents have been informed on the rights of the child through the printed Our Rights resource materials, also supported by the Embassy.  

With the development of new technologies and the delivery of education online, especially during the lockdowns because of COVID 19, as in many other spheres of our lives, we have evidenced the introduction of interactive ways to deliver information and education to children through the use of technology.  

We aim to provide to teachers, supporting educators (mesues ndihmes), psychologists, social workers, and children across Albania wide access to Our Rights resource materials and training know-how using online platform, to enhance their knowledge, understanding and positive practices in respect to the rights of the child.  

Planned activities:

– Setup a web-based platform on “Our Rights” resource materials using the webpage of CRCA/ECPRAT Albania

Public Presentation of the Online Platform to the Authorities and civil society in Albania

Conduct self-placed online and in person training for teachers  

30 teachers of Kruja have joined the training of trainers of CRCA / ECPAT ALBANIA on education of children’s rights in schools. The training is based on the Slovenian model called “Our Rights” and is funded by the extraordinary support of the Slovenian Embassy in Tirana. Since 25 years CRCA is leading the efforts for teachers training on the rights of the child. We are happy that this morning colleagues from the Child Rights Section at People’s Advocate joined our training to provide info on their work.

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