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Despite the increasing measures against gender-based violence by the national and international community, and the improvement of legislation, policies and the number of institutions, gender-based violence remains a harsh reality in the daily lives of many girls and young women in Albania. We at CRCA/ECPAT Albania believe that gender-based violence is a serious violation of human rights.

The Programme “Promoting gender equality to end violence against girls and young women in Albania” is built based on the human rights approach, providing a professional response model to gender-based violence and domestic violence against girls of young women.

With a geographical coverage of the 12 regions of Albania, the Program provides:

  • Direct support with specialized social and legal services for girls and young women victims of any form of violence;
  • Capacity building for domestic violence referral mechanisms, child protection units at the local level and every public institution in the country.
  • Development of new service models, focusing on the creation of the Family Care and Empowerment Model;