This April Albania held parliamentary elections, which come at a time when the opposition for the last 3 years has dropped out of the Parliament and local government. The country’s democracy continues to be in question, not only because of the political situation but also because of the extremely political conflictual language used during the electoral campaign. Based on this, CRCA/ECPAT Albania in close cooperation with the Human Rights House, the Albanian National Youth Network -ANYN and the Albanian Coalition for Education held the Tirana Democracy Forum, which is first in its kind organised during the 30 years of democracy in Albania.
Will the democracy in Albania survive the April 2021 parliamentary elections?
The Tirana Democracy Forum raised the concerns that the situation created by political parties poses a serious threat to the democratic processes, its institutions and democracy itself in Albania. The forum brought together academics, publicists, civil society, journalists, ambassadors, and young people to discuss the state of the democracy and how the election campaigns could strengthen or break the democracy.
This forum was covered widely by media. Below we bring a few links from the coverage:
Anketa: Papunësia dhe korrupsioni largojnë të rinjtë nga Shqipëria
Corruption and poverty in Albania encourage young people to go to the polls!
Part of the Tirana Democracy Forum was also a debate among young politicians, on the situation of young people in our country. After the presentation of a National Survey on Youth conducted with the particiaption of young people throughout Albania, the National Youth Network presented the National Youth Contract which was widely shared to the political parties taking part in parliamentary elections. Below we bring few links from the coverage:
Top Channel/ 58% e të rinjve do votojnë/Studimi para zgjedhjeve, pjesa më e madhe mendojnë emigriminëatch/?v=757085804911045
Anketa: Papunësia dhe korrupsioni largojnë të rinjtë nga Shqipëria
Anketa: Papunësia dhe korrupsioni largojnë të rinjtë nga Shqipëria
CRCA/ECPAT Albania’s concern expressed in March continued to be followed by the media during April too, as follows:
During the month of April 2021, CRCA focused on another worrying situation, that of denial of the constitutional right that each of us enjoys, the right of the freedom to peaceful assembly of citizens.
CRCA / ECPAT Albania sues the Municipality of Tirana for violating human rights!
CRCA / ECPAT Albania, sued to the Administrative Court of Tirana, the Municipality of Tirana, on the violation that the City Council has committed against the right to assembly. This news, was widely covered by the media:
Meanwhile, CRCA / ECPAT Albania, the National Platform and the Office of Free Legal Aid for Children and Youth in Albania, during this month raised another public concern, against a website, which held personal data of Albanian citizens including children.
Personal data of children in Albania at risk of falling into the hands of pedophiles!
Through a public request addressed to three institutions in Albania: The Commissioner for Personal Data Protection, the National Police and the General Directorate of Civil Register, CRCA/ECPAT Albania, the National Platform and the Office for Free Legal Aid for Children and Youth in Albania, to identify the responsible person/s that have established the website, as well as its closure, in order to ensure the protection of all sensitive data for all children in Albania.
This public request was covered by the media and some of the links to the news can be found below:
Wake Up/ Klaudio Pulaha i ECPAT-it: Faqja shqiptare që po ekspozon fëmijët ndaj pedofilëve